26 May 2010


This is an old post from another blog that I had, one that I am trying to shut down. I am reposting it over here because I do love the concept of this movie and it was really fun to be on set for a day doing makeup!!

While searching Craigslist yesterday or maybe the day before I came across an ad, "Seeking Makeup Artist for Feature Film.. " or something close to that. It was very intrigued, so I emailed the person.

Less than 5 minutes later I was being booked for this movie, Nice.

This morning I showed up on set ready to do makeup and much to my surprise everyone was truly nice and accepting. I didn't know much about the movie, so I did some research.. Here's what I found:


Now the movie linked on that is NOT the movie that they are filming today.. clearly because they are filming it today. However, the description of the movie is very interesting. It makes me want to watch it, I'm bummed that I am not going makeup for the entire shooting of this production  :(

Adam, a young hustler, wanders into an old, labyrinthine apartment building and cannot find his way out. A chameleon who can change his persona to match anyone he meets, Adam encounters several sexually-charged men who lead him on a journey of the soul. Only when he has untied all of the knots can Adam leave the building and begin to enter the world of adulthood – should he still want to. Dreamlike, erotic, and at times darkly comic, this night-in-the-life of a young man’s coming of age is an original and provocative take on intimacy, desire, and what it means to be a gay man in the 21st Century.

What makes this project different:
Not your tired old Hustler Movie. About how desire shapes identity, how intimacy cannot be avoided, and the heart taking root in itself. Great script for actors, dialogue cracks. Powerful cast, high production values. A fresh approach to love scenes -- powerful, honest, erotic, true. This is a queer indie like no other. TLA Releasing has first-look rights for acquisition & distribution.

Polaroids and Best Friends.

It amazes me how simple my lifes pleasures are. All I need are my good friends, good food and even better shoes. (We're both wearing suede boots in this picture.)

Thank you to Kara, my darling companion in crime for being truly amazing, inspirational and just a woman after my own heart. You are so talented and beautiful. I would not trade you for the world.

Got to love polaroid... oh yes, I'm bringing it back.

Go forth and begin your lifes adventure.

Inspiration in Latex

You never really know where inspiration will come from, which is probably why it is one of the most sought after things in life.

I have spent the last few trying trying to find inspiration and trying to launch my clothing line into bigger and better places.

There is the Evolution of Fashion show ow coming up in July. I will be showing my collection for the very first time EVER. I hope you can all come out and show your support.. but if you can't.. here's a sneek peak at a suit I just finished

It's a swimwear fashion show by the way.. YAYA


With the help of my friends we have created an organization called createSF. The organization is going to help put San Francisco on the map for fashion. After all a lot of sucessful designer I know started here. I personally am very tired of having all of out amazing artists leave San Francisco, no because they want to, but San Francisco has this way of making people feel like they will never succeed. It is the perfect breeding grounds of creativity and finding one's self. However, after you find yourself you are forced to leave if you ever want to make money or "make it big" in any industry.

I find that to be a horrible sterotype of San Francisco; but the stereotype is totally true.

So what does it take to put San Francisco on the map for fashion?

Well my team has come up with many different ways to accomplish this but with the most important being commincation and organization. I have met many many "drama queens" in this industry, which naturally breeds more drama queens and kings. The fighting has to stop, how to we do that? We communicate with everyone on the same level, we treat everyone equally and we provide a medium for people to post their designs, events and seek out help on various projects. Want to produce a fashion show featuring only your line? Well, we;re not completely up and running yet but we do know a lot of people and can probably make your dreams come true.

With the help of Yon we are working on making an online community marketplace (kind of like etsy, only local) and truly finding ways to make fashion shows more successful.

This this sounds awesome? I thought to too. The site www.createsf.com is almost up and you can definitly check out our fan page on facebook for more information.

21 May 2010

Facebook Stalker = A girl ends up dead

I keep seeing this in the news and it really makes me sad. What started out as a truly fun and exciting social networking site dedicated to keeping in touch with your friends and family members has turned into a murder and suicidal excuse.

As if we didn't have enough things plaque our world we have to throw in the is idea that with social networking you can be talked to, emailed, called, stalked.. etc. It's just that easy. When I don't have someone's number, I look them up on Facebook, it's almost always posted there.

Just in case you do NOT know what I am talking about. Check out these recent headlines:

Facebook Stalker Paul Bristol Kills Ex Girlfriend
Death on Facebook
YouTube Video

Eeek.. it's all too much. These things make me reconsider being on twitter, facebook, myspace or any social networking site.

What do you think?

Memories in the Kitchen

The art of cooking is something that I would like to spend more time on. My mother taught me how to cook when I was a little girl and I have carried those lessons with me ever since.

I mean I was making mac and cheese by the age of 8!

I do not have a KitchenAid, but I have always wanted one. For Christmas I make everyone homemade gifts. Most of them involve cooking. I do everything by hand because I don't really have the kitchen supplies... or I borrow it form someone else.  This past year I made Bourbon Pecan Tartlets. They are like mini pecan pies only better. Instead of regular pie crust I make sugar cookie dough and us that instead. They end up being bite sized and pack a sweet punch after adding the wild turkey to the mix. It was a huge hit during the holidays and I am still getting asked for more.  Hopefully I will win this KitchenAid and finally be able to remake those little things. hehe..

I dream of having a KitchenAid to help me with everything. I think that it will help me eat in more instead of eating out all of the time. It's hard to do everything from scratch.

To find out what it takes to get a KitchenAid for yourself, check out MomStarts!

13 May 2010

Everyone is talking about Acai... So does it work?

I read an article from News7Report today. I am still not 100% sure that this is a legitimet new reporting site, BUT they did have a great article, Acai Berry Diet Exposed: Miracle Diet or Scam?

Now I was convinced that after reading the title they were going to tell me about crazy health stories and birth defects, but they didn't... they actually said ti WORKED?? Really?? Like taking two little pills are going to do ANYTHING for me. But, after reading the article I am willing to try it out.

So in approx. 3-5 days these will be showing up on my doorstep:

Now looking at it, I was the idiot who DID NOT use the flippin shipping codes. So I paid $4.95 each.

Once I get them I will give you the directions and a day by day journey into how it makes me feel and what it actually does to my body. SOOOO.. yea.. wish me luck.


10 May 2010


I know that a ton of people read my blog, (or at least that's what they tell me) however I never see the results or comments or anything.

What makes people not public follow a blog?

I never thought that numbers would mean that much to me, but knowing that I have a "fan" base really makes me happy and makes me feel like I am doing something for the world.

As far as blogging goes I love to write and will talk about almost any subject, but I lose inspiration if I feel that no one cares. I want to make a difference in this world. I want to know that the life experiences that I have had will help someone in the future and I truly want to believe that I am leaving a positive mark on this planet. One of my biggest fears is to be forgotten.

So if you are reading this, and you are not following, please do so. It makes me happy.

Thank you.

Ashton Miyako

05 May 2010

Unhappy, Emotional.. BLAH!!

I have a great job a loving boyfriend and a place to live in San Francisco..... so why am I so unhappy, unmotivated and just feeling like all happiness has left my body??

Call me a skeptic but every time I get online (which is almost 18+ hours a day because of my job) I don't see happy people or inspirational things. Most people seem to be truly unhappy right now. If and when I finally do find something that I want to do there are a million hurtles to jump over in order to get there.


I want to make bracelets for all of the amazing women in my life for mothers day. In order to do so I needed to go to a craft store to pick up supplies. I didn't get off of work until 6. Which ment that all fabric/craft stores in San Francisco were closed, or would be by the time that I got there. Where is the next closest one? A 30 minute bart ride followed by an 40 minute walk... one way. OR I could rent a zipcar for $12 a hour, approx. $24+ by the end of it all, pay for the supplies and head back, saves time but ends up costing me over $50 which is just not money that I can spare right now.

Let's say I go with the bart idea. About 1.25 hours to get there, 30 minutes to pick out jewelry, then 1.25 hours back home.. by which time I am tooo tired to do anything.


I need help.

Can anyone say instant gratification?

Tips? Comments? Words of encouragement?

On the bright side Carlos is cooking me dinner, I'm blogging and watching ZombieLand..

God I have so much to blog about it's retarded.